Unichef Cold Pressed Sesame / Gingelly Oil 1ltr & 500ml

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Unichef Cold Pressed Sesame / Gingelly Oil 1ltr & 500ml

Unichef Cold-pressed sesame / Gingelly oil is prepared by crushing finest quality Sesame seeds at a low temperature using cold -pressed grinding process to extract the oil.

Unichef Cold-pressed sesame / Gingelly oil is way healthier than refined oils. It is rich in antioxidants, vitamin E, A, and D2. Free from Argemone Oil, Mineral Oil, Artificial Colors, Fragrances, Preservatives. Free from chemicals.

Unichef Cold-pressed sesame / Gingelly oil retains natural nutrients, beneficial to your health due to its fatty acid content. It has a wide range of polyunsaturated fatty acids.It reduces blood cholesterol and dilate the blood vessels. It also prevents atherosclerosis (deposition of fats in the blood vessels) by lowering blood cholesterol. The anti-inflammatory property of sesame oil reduces heart problems. These properties of sesame oil keep your heart healthy.

Unichef Cold-pressed sesame / Gingely oilis one of the oldest oils in India used for cooking, deep frying, sautéing stir-fries, vinaigrettes, dips or sauces, sesame noodles, and marinating fish or meat, preserve for pickles and chutneysand even as a salad dressing.

Unichef Cold-pressed sesame / Gingely oil is an excellent moisturizer for dry skin. This is because of its high content of unsaturated fatty acids and its ability to penetrate the skin's barrier layer and restore moisture.
